New drill player and editor

Blog / News | 30-06-22

We have some cool updates for you. A brand new drill player and even a new editor. The player is what end users see when they open a course or drill and start answering questions. The editor is used by instructional drill designers to create learning content. So lots of exciting improvements! The new player and editor will be visible first to everyone who logs on via the Drillster web application (login via browser).

This is a preview of the new player:

New player

The new player has many new developments. The most important ones are:

  • We improved the overall look & feel.
  • It’s also more intuitive.
  • More gamification elements.
  • Higher performance.
  • Better didactics, like more focus on positive feedback after each exercise. Regardless of your answer: we focus on what was the right answer and why.
  • Visuals, like videos and images, are shown bigger and better to learners.
  • Last but not least, the learning curve graph has a more prominent role. It will also tell you how long it will take you to reach 100% proficiency.

New editor

The new editor has undergone a true transformation. It looks different and has numerous improvements. A few examples:

  • The layout is nicer and more intuitive.
  • As a new user, you first get a handy virtual tour of some of the key features.
  • You can get a preview per question and adjust that to all devices (desktop, tablet, phone).
  • Dark mode.
  • The Design Tips help you to optimize your content. This way, you will not forget to upload a cover photo, add question variants, etc.
  • The settings per question are more visible.
  • It’s a lot faster.
  • And much more …

The new player and editor will be visible first to everyone who logs on via the Drillster web application (login via browser). People who use the mobile app, or log on via SCORM/LTI/native integration in an LMS, will get to use the new features in the near future. Eventually, everyone will get the newest player and editor. 


At Drillster we are ‘Learning with you’, so we’d love your feedback. If you have questions, or suggestions for improvement, don’t hesitate to email to or give us a call at +31883750500. Are you a Drillster fan already and have a minute to spare? Leave a review. Thanks in advance!