Let’s turn Pride Month into Pride Year
Blog / Nouvelles | 15-06-21
It’s Pride Month. You’ve probably noticed an extra rainbow or two on your timelines and feed. Big platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have added some rainbow flavor to their branding, but smaller organizations are also letting you know they support the LGBT+ community. It is a way of sharing with the world that they welcome everyone – whoever they are and however they identify themselves – to their company. A good thing, no doubt. It is very encouraging to see that there is a full month devoted to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) awareness and that small to large companies are publicly showing that they have some sort of a policy for DEI.
As a learning application provider for the corporate world, we see an increase in DEI awareness. Knowledge is a part of the awareness process, and that knowledge needs to be spread. Learning about unconscious bias, allyship, etc. is a crucial element in supporting all people in your organization. That being said, this should not be just one month or one moment at the time of training. To truly welcome, support, and include all people – whoever they are – it is important to facilitate continuous awareness… not just periodically. DEI knowledge and awareness will surely improve during campaigns, but it will also quickly fade away once such campaigns have ended. This is when the ‘DEI knowledge gap’ starts to develop. This DEI knowledge gap is a waste, because it is avoidable. Start off by getting a grasp on the current and preferred DEI knowledge. Once you have identified the gaps, you can fix them. Implement a learning solution that focuses on knowledge anchoring, smart repetition, and realizing behavioral change so that, DEI will be top of mind, all year long.
Let’s take Pride Month and take it a step further. With continuous learning, knowledge anchoring, and ultimately: behavioral change, you can turn Pride Month into a Pride year. Every year.
Curious about how to detect and fix ‘DEI knowledge gaps’? Click on this link or the button below to request our free one-pager and start boosting DEI awareness.